Personal Finance Universe

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Three Essential Personal Finance Tips

Connie Barker
Personal finance is extremely important in today’s society. Whether you are looking to purchase a new home, pay for college or take a trip of a lifetime, personal finance can help you achieve these goals. While there are many ways to benefit from good money management, here are three essential personal finance tips that can truly help you achieve your goals.

Save and Invest

It is absolutely essential that you save as much money as possible and then invest it so that it can work hard for you. Saving money is vital to having a nest egg in the future for the purchases you desire. Saving requires a plan and usually lots of time. One of things that you should do once you receive your paycheck is to pay yourself first. Take a set amount of your pay check and put it away. Once you have money saved, the next step is to invest it and make it work hard for you. Over the years, you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars off of just $30K to 50K in savings using the power of compound interest. There is no magic involved. In order to create a nest egg in 10, 20 or 30 years save money and invest it.

Create a Budget

Creating a budget is essential for anyone that has an income and expenses. Many of us are usually carefree and do not keep a record of all our purchases, however if we knew just how much we spent each year on junk or impulse purchases we would be aghast. Creating a budget is a great way to understand what we spend our income on, reduce spending on non essential items and discipline ourselves to save and invest our money for the long term. Creating a budget is extremely simple and requires only a few hours of time each month. A simple budget can literally save you thousands of dollars a year and give you true piece of mind.

Use Credit Wisely

Credit cards can be extremely convenient, but many times they are equally destructive. A credit card is not a license to spend; it is in effect a loan. Understanding how credit works and how to use it responsibly can make your life much easier. Credit cards can be a great option in certain situations, however using them properly is essential to proper money management.


Connie Barker is the owner of several financial websites including those dealing with Personal Finance

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